
Monday, January 12, 2015

Hot Cocoa and Snow Day Students

Living in Ohio we see all different types of weather. I know my students love snow days why, who wouldn't?  A free day off of school, playing in the snow, drinking hot cocoa! 

Here are a couple of projects my students created 
to welcome the winter season.

Snow Day Students

Day 1. 3rd grade students created an argyle pattern on construction paper with pencil, criss crossing the lines, then painting white dots with tempera paint to create a stitching look. 

Day 2. Students chose a piece of plaid painted paper for their shirt, and a large fabric strip for a scarf and glued them down. 

Next, students chose a color of construction paper for their face and made a big u on the 6 x 6 face paper, cut it out, glued it down and then added facial features and painted paper hair.

Day 3.
Lastly, students used white tempera paint to add dots to represent snow. These look so fun when displayed together! 

Hot Cocoa and Pattern Mittens

Day 1. First graders kept the snow theme flying! They created symmetrical mittens with lots of fun patterns. They used oil pastels on previously painted paper to make the designs. 

Day 2. Students added fun patterns to construction paper mugs. Don't forget a strip of hot chocolate paper and some marshmallows! Finish off with some white tempera paint steam and you are set!

Hope you can have a snow day wherever you are!

Laura :)


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