
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

More Georgia O'Keefe Art.....

Sorry Guys, my posts have been few these past weeks because of all the state paperwork that we are now required to complete. It has been about 6-9 hours a week that this computer has been signed into Ohio Department of Education. 
Yes, I have thus neglected other things, and have not been able to blog much. 
So I will just do a little catch up! 

If you are going to the Ohio Art Education Association Conference in Toledo 
come and see our presentation 
Georgia O'Keeffe and The American Southwest.
We have some awesome projects to show and discuss from painted paper to fibers and felting.

Here is a sneak peak!

 Evening Star 
created by some awesome 1st grade artists

Hopi Sun Symbols
 created by 1st grade

 Painted Paper Pueblo Houses
created by 3rd grade students

The Hopi Pueblos resemble the ancient homes of their ancestors - closely knit apartments stacked two - three stories high, and they continue to be owned by the women in the family with children raised primarily by the mother's clan members following an ancient matrilineal tradition. 

 Adobe Homes
created by 1st grade

Navajo Weavings
5th grade 

created by 3rd grade artists
 using their names to create the skulls.

Clay Skulls with Flowers and Feathers
5th grade

Painted Paper Patterned Navajo Rugs
 3rd grade

Prickly Pear Cactus 
created by 4th grade

Keep on creating!



  1. Gorgeous! I love the skulls!!! Feel your pain with all the paper work for the state this year. Mine is for NJ though.... keep up the good work! :)

  2. So many wonderful things here! Will look forward to hearing details. I love the Hopi sun symbols - and the evening star painting - and the skulls - and the.... Oh, I guess I should just say I love it all!

    I can't begin to say how thankful I am that I retired, even though I still love working with kids, because all the crazy paperwork is just so insane. Thus is a terrible time to be a teacher I think. Hopefully this phase will pass, as have so many before it.

    Anyhow, thanks for sharing the great artwork!

    1. Thanks! Phyl, I hope you are right about this too shall pass! I just feel the kids are getting the short end of the stick. I used to display daily, new projects and rotate projects, now I am so busy that I just feel they are not seeing their artwork displayed like it should be. :(

  3. These projects are amazing! The sun symbols are beautiful...and my favorites are the skulls with flowers! Great work.
    Smart Kids
    ABCs of Reading

  4. On the prickily pair cactus, the flower parts are those coffee filters, or cupcake holders? Or just plain construction paper cut into a circle?

    1. Coffee Filters that are painted with liquid watercolors. :)

  5. Are these lessons available on your teachers pay teachers page?? These are amazing!

  6. I really love these! I wish you had the lessons available! I could not find them on your store... do you have them?

  7. I really love these! I wish you had the lessons available! I could not find them on your store... do you have them?

    1. Aww Thanks! We are putting together some awesome lessons and will definitely get these in the shop soon! Thanks you so much for the feedback! :)


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