
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Just a few hours before the Annual Fine Arts Festival

I know I have been missing in action for a while... busy creating fun projects with the kiddos.

In just a few short hours my school's hallways will be filled with smiling faces and students pointing out their beautiful artwork. I have been hanging artwork everyday for 2 straight months right up to the last minute. 

 I always feel like there is always more to do but today a fourth grade boy came wandering down my way while I was hanging our Bottle Cap Bird and said to me  

"Everything is so beautiful looking.
 I love the explosion of colors in the hallways."

That was it! 

His simple yet to the point comment made my day. That was all I needed to hear.

Not a "great job"comment from administration (which is also nice to hear at times) but an innocent student who got the aesthetic experience of what displaying children's beautiful artwork is all about.  I shared it with the other art teachers and they agreed with me.

Happy Youth Art Month!


1 comment:

  1. I saw Ginger comment on this photo via facebook~ Can't wait to see pictures from your fest!


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