
Monday, February 7, 2011

Picasso's Weaving the Blues.....

During Picasso's Blue Period, Pablo used various tints and shades of blue. Picasso painted with blue paint because his friend had died and he was deeply saddened. He also missed his home land of Spain. With all the blue he also enjoyed music. Many of his paintings, and collage projects have guitars and music in them. So why not incorporate the weaving of tints and shades along with sheet music.
Day 1
1. Students painted various tints and shades on 12 x 18 paper. Let dry.
Day 2
2. Students added oil pastels designs on the edge of the tints and shade shapes.
Day 3
1. Students create a loom out of the pre-painted 12 x 18 paper.
2. Strips of blue shades of construction paper cut to 1" by 18"
3. Students weave.
4. Last, weavings were glued to a 18 x 24 blue construction paper and students painted borders with tints and shades of blue tempera paint. Students had the option of using Picasso head stamps for an extra design. When projects were displayed in the hallway the strips of the weavings were bent up.

We also created some for the Rose Period


  1. I like how you're using the blue period and rose period in a more freeform way. I never delve into teaching Picasso because there is so much it is overwhelming. . . now I'm inspired! As always the colors are gorgeous.

  2. This is such a great twist to the paper weave!!

  3. These are lovely. It's funny how we tend to work in parallel paths. I'm introducing Picasso this week and next week too.

  4. Phyl, Love it! Good minds think alike! I have a bunch more projects on Picasso and the Sea- our art show is March 31, and our elementary school's 50th anniversary is in April. So I have alot of company coming over. lol

  5. These are beautiful! I LOVE it!I bet the kids loved hearing about Picasso! I had a student want to paint the same thing twice and when I asked him why, he said the reason was similar to how Picasso had his blue period! Did you have trouble teaching them the weaving part? I always seem to end up with a trash can full of looms from the kids who cut the wrong end no matter how many times I model and repeat! What grade did you do this with?

  6. Natalie, Thanks! I weave with every grade level so by the time they hit 6th grade they are making woven sash belts. I did these with 3rd grade. The pink ones are from the special ed class. It took about 3 class periods, alot of "under and over" and we talk about checkerboard patterns. That really help them to understand. :)

  7. Genius!!! Such a fun twist on the paper weaving lesson and I bet they look great in the hallway -- wish I'd done this one when I was teaching!
    Will file this idea away for the future. : )


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