
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Ndebele Homes

In parts of southern Africa women decorate the outside walls of their houses with vivid and bold designs. Many have use geometric designs to resemble various styles of architecture. These are our interpretations created using geometric shapes in symmetrical placement. FIrst we folded the paper and cut the roof line. Second, we used rulers and geometric shapes to create the symmetrical designs on the house. Once all shapes were designed in pencil the students painted in the shapes. The next class period students outlined with a sharpie chisel marker to get the wide designs. While students were outlining an adding more designs other students were painting the background murals to represent the landscape of Africa.


  1. Hi there, let me unlurk on your fun site and say we did a ndebele craft recently: We made Ndebele hut hats, here is the link if you want to take a peek:

    Have a nice day!!!

  2. Laura,
    I love all your ideas. I'm an elementary art teacher and I love finding new ideas or approaches on the internet. I found your blog via the Deepspace Sparkle blog and love all the wonderful bright color.
    Anyhow, I have a question - at the very top of the site you have a photo of overlapping gorgeous vibrantly painted flowers. Can you tell me more about the lesson that they came from? Process, etc? Thank you!!

  3. I did a similar project to Ndebele hut hats - however, I took small water bottles to use as the house frame, had first graders do a repeating pattern on a strip of paper then added the round roof with some raffia glued onto it.


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