
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Georgia O'Keeffe Skulls

Georgia would love to adventure around her home in New Mexico and would find various skulls out on her trips through out the desert. These skulls were our inspiration for our paper and model magic skulls.

Students folded 9 x 12 paper in half then used pencil to write or print their name. 
We then drew a line around their name and students cut (with the paper still folded) along the pencil line. 

 After the students created their skulls they 
then added painted paper horns and antlers. 

Next, students used chalk to put the line of symmetry down the center of the skull and add eye shadow lines.
Lastly, students added skull to a 
painted paper background.

Here is another project we did using model magic. Mini Skulls.
 First you shape the head, pinch the nose, then add horns. Let Dry. 
Next day we painted with liquid watercolors and tempera and painted the skulls.

Once the skulls were dried students added feathers, 
tissue flowers and background.

Have fun creating!
Laura :)


  1. Using their names to create the cow skulls...Fantastic! I've got to try this.

  2. Wouaw! Unique and original! Very nice! I love the idea of your students using their name to make the shape of the skull!


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