
Monday, February 17, 2014

Paul Klee Inspired Villages

Hello there! Finally! I am back to school from the Arctic Freeze and Snowstorms of January. Yep, I taught only 9 days in January and part of February and some classes I have only seen once since Dec 20th! Yikes. Well, we have finally had a full week of school last week so students could get some projects done. :)

If you are like me are you trying to find a different artist to inspire your young artists? How about the Swiss born artist, Paul Klee?  We are really trying to reinforce the concept of Foreground, Middleground, and Background with our 5th graders and this project was just the ticket. 

First, we looked at the book titled The Cat and The Bird written by Geraldine Elschner and illustrated by Peggy Nille. This delightful book is filled with colorful visuals in the style of Paul Klee. 

Next, students folded the colored construction paper in half to create a "Horizon Line" then added, with pencil, diagonal lines broken into sections to create fields or crops. Paints were passed out and students started mixing on their papers creating tints and shades for water and beautiful cool colors for the crops designs.

Let. Dry.

Day 2  
Students started first by using painted paper to create a bridge then constructed buildings making sure they had a large one representing the foreground, a medium sized one for the middle ground and a small one for the background. 

We discussed overlapping and layering various buildings on top of one another across the paper as well.

Day 3 
This was the students last day to create adding fun details such as a sun or moon, clouds, trees, windows and doors. etc. Lastly, students used oil pastels to create small patterns in the crops and on the buildings.

Hope you are staying warm in the Arctic Blast!

Laura :)


  1. Okay, let me try to wrap my brain around this: YOU WORKED 9 DAYS IN JANUARY?! And some kids you've not seen since BEFORE break?! Gurl!! That stinks! Ya'll are gonna be in school until Labor Day. I'm so sorry. Howevers, these Klee-collages are fantastic. You seriously always do just the best things ever. I'm so glad you are back in school so I can return to drooling at my keyboard over the work of your students :)

  2. You are so brilliant and capable at directing the children to create masterpieces! I stand in awe!


    Debbie Clement


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